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This is Archie and George, both friends of Ellie and sick DJs (@archieramsay / @georgefenton_)

The night ran smoothly apart from the unecessary rudeness and disrespect from the security team on the night. They treated us badly as a lot of people who attended were minors but it was a 16+ night from the first time we proposed this night to the Latest Music Bar.

Although there was a lot of rudeness towards Ellie and I and the people attending, people still spoke about the night fondly and overall was a success.

The night had a talented, young line up starting with Ella Wingfield (@ellawingfeeld)

And then Mia Nicholls (@mianichollsmusicandpoems)

And finally Pindrop


Next it was Martha Buchanan (@martha_buchanan)

Afterwards pinkpirate


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