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What are your current skills, talent and experience?
Within the field of event management, I don’t have the most experience.
I know how to navigate the website Canva and the website maker Wix
because of my course at Chichester college. I have a talent in poster
making and I very much enjoy it. My past is very arty so I have an eye for
colour and things that attract people to stuff. I used to take part in Sorrell
Saturday club and ended up displaying my work in a museum in London.
My art has also been on my local pier and in my local museum.
I’ve got a bit of experience in event management because my dad was
part of ATOM promotions and his ownership in coast café is helpful too.

What are your ambitions?
My biggest dream is to put on my own festival or have my own bar to put
on various music events. In the mean time I would like to be putting on
small gigs that eventually lead to something bigger.

What skills do I need to develop?
I need to develop my event management skills as I have little experience in this.

Who will I need to work with?
I will need to work with many people to reach my goal. This
includes event managers, people on my course, venue owners and many more.

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