Promotional Material
For our event, as it is our first, we are having to relying on people spreading it around social media and word of mouth. This is because we haven't established a name for ourselves yet. Obviously we have our company name "Stacey's Room" but we haven't got a following yet because this is our first event.
We have made two posters over the duration of the 6 weeks we have had. We started with the name "the jungle book" but have since changed it to "Jungle night". The first poster looked pretty amateurish and wasn't great. The second one is also still simple but still looks better than the other one.
To promote our event we put posters up all over our college and left flyers around so if people were interested, they could find out the information from the flyers. For the flyers we used the second poster, not our first. We also promoted this event through Instagram and Snapchat. I did this by posting it to my story with a link to the tickets, a lot of my friends helped out and did the same. I contacted a friend who puts on raves under the name of "disrupted events" and his story reaches over 600 people in the Brighton area and that is where the event was being put on. He posted the link to his story a couple of times and it got lots of shares and views which I think was a predominant help in the selling of tickets as we went down about 20 tickets on the night that he posted it.
By our next event we are going to try and have made a logo for "Stacey's Room" so we can start an image for ourselves.
First Poster
Second Poster
Compared to our drum and bass event posters, our is very minimal. I prefer the way ours looks to other events as they are so full on with information flying at you. They often focus heavily on the people DJing but as our DJs don't have names other than their own to go by, we haven't focused on the DJs. For future events when we start making a profit we will be able to book bigger names and hopefully attract a bigger crowd. The posters, as you can see, are very similar looking so it's nice that ours isn't so samey.
Innovation Poster
Breakin Science Poster
We promoted mainly on snapchat but I did promote on my Instagram and so did my friend. He promoted the poster along with a link to the tickets in my bio. You can see from the insights the amount of people that clicked the website from the story's and how many people viewed it. There was more reach from my friends posts because I had already posted about it so people might have been bored of seeing it. I have learnt for next time from this that I shouldn't just keep pushing the event. I need to stagger the promotion but instead of just shoving the poster in peoples faces I should promote in a different way with pictures from previous events of if there is a theme, give people ideas on how to dress up to match the theme.
Friend's promotion
My promotion
During our event we will be taking videos and photos throughout the night so that we can use this to promote for our future events. Videos and photos will be used for our showreel at the end of our Final Major Project. At this point we only have posters as our promotional material.